Yellow House Report | |
Wednesday, 18 Sep 2013 13:01 | |
Captain: Kovid Tripathi
Vice Captain: Vasundhara Singh
Prefects:Harsh Arora and Pragya Tiwari Teachers In charge: Mrs.P.Rani, Mrs.M.Kaur, Mrs.A.Bhargava, Mrs.R.Srivastava, Mrs.R.Kawatra, Mrs.C.Srivastava,
Mrs.N.Kesarwani, Mr.A.David, Mr.R.Sircar,
Mr.A.Pandurangi, Mr.V.Kumar & Mrs.D.Das.
“Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit over it.” - Will Roger
Even as the Yellow House attained the third position in the overall championship, the students are looking forward to win the coveted ‘Liddle Shield,’ next year and prove their mettle. Even though they are disheartened, they still have their fortitude. The Yellow House, keeping in mind John Ruskin’s thought; “What we think, or what we know, or what we believe in, is in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do;” and some pertinent advice from the House Teachers, braved many odds with spirited efforts, overcame all the difficulties and bagged many prizes. The students did very well in many events and stood first in i-Next Painting Competition(Group B), Rangoli Competition, Face Painting Competition, English & Hindi Elocution, Talent Hunt Show, Karate Championship and Students House Board Work. They secured the second place in i-Next Painting Competition(Group A), Spell Whiz, Fancy Dress & Carom Competition. Without losing hope, they carried on and were placed third in Creative Writing, Badminton, Main House Board Work, Hindi and English Skit. For the second time consecutively they came second this year in the Overall Championship, they didn’t lose their nerve but proved to be the ‘Quintessence’ of patience and courage. They decided to be impervious towards the outcome of this session as its sole aim in the coming year is only to remain focused on achieving its unwavering goal – the ‘Liddle Shield.’ |
Last Updated On Tuesday, 24 Sep 2013 13:08 |