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Monday, 16 Sep 2013 16:28


Dear Parents,

You will appreciate that without close interaction between parents and teachers and effective cooperation between home and school, the educational objectives with regard to your ward may not be fully achieved. Kindly note the following instructions:

1. It is compulsory for Parents and students to read all the general information and rules and regulations given in the school diary. You are required to see to it that your ward adheres to the rules and regulations of the school.

2.Your ward is required to note down the day-to-day class/home work throughout the year and paste worksheets in the respective subject copies
You are requested to keep a check on his/her work regularly

3. You may be called upon by the class teacher or subject teachers of your ward to visit the School by a request made in the diary.

4. You are requested to see the remarks given in the diary and put your signature.

5. If you feel that your ward is not making the desired progress you are requested to personally contact the class or subject teachers by writing a note in your ward’s diary.

6. It is compulsory for every student to possess a diary and bring it to school daily.

7. Parents are NOT allowed to visit the Classrooms or meet the teachers during School hours. Parents are not permitted to sit and note down any class work or homework during School hours.

8. Private tuition is not encouraged. Parents must not engage teachers of the school as private tutors for their wards at all as it is stictly against the employment rules of the school.

9. The name of a student absenting him/her self without permission for three consecutive days after any vacation is liable to be struck off the school roles.

10. Students are required to reach the school at least 5 minutes before the school starts. The school gates will be closed as soon as the school starts and students will not be given entry after that.

11. English is the medium of instruction in our school. Therefore, it is compulsory for all students and teachers to use English Language for academic work as well as for conversation in the School premises (except in the Hindi class). Parents are encouraged to provide their children maximum exposure to English, as far as possible by allowing only viewing of educational English TV channels, English Newspapers & as far as possible speaking at home only in English.

Discipline, Good Manners, Proper Behaviour and Good Conduct are integral components of school education, without which education and the all round development of your ward is incomplete. The School's aim in enforcing these rules and regulations is not to inconvenience anyone but to ensure that all the students become civilized citizens of the country. This can only be possible with your help and cooperation.

Thanking You for your valuable support and cooperation.






Our school is not only committed to academic excellence but also shaping the personality of our students by building character, discipline and developing good manners.

  1. Punctuality is an integral part of the school's character building process and discipline. Hence please ensure that your child reaches school right on time. Students will not be allowed entry after the school gates close, as it disturbs the entire class and the teachers. The school gate will be closed after the school starts, so do not cause any embarrassing situation by insulting the security guards at the gate – they are only carrying out their duty by following the school's instructions to safeguard the interest of all the students.
  2. Please ensure that the children are brought to school on time and taken back on time. The school will not be responsible for looking after the students 15 minutes after the school gives over.
  3. Parents can only meet the teacher immediately after the school gives over or at a PT meeting. They are requested not to cause any disturbance by asking to meet the teacher when the classes are running. This interrupts the teaching in the class and will not be permitted.
  4. Every student studying in a reputed English medium school is expected to be well groomed and in clean, ironed, proper school uniform at all times. During summer, each child must take a bath before coming to school. Students are not allowed to wear jewellery (bangles, chains, long earrings, finger rings, fancy watches etc.). Girls are to only use black clips, black rubber bands and black hair bands with the school uniform and white clips, white rubber bands and white hair bands with the P.T. uniform. NO child is to apply nail polish or mehndi or attend classes with long, dirty nails or have any tattoos. Boys must have a very short hair cut, spike cut or hair gel is not allowed and they are also not allowed to wear low waist trousers. Students who do not follow this policy will not be allowed to attend classes and may be sent home.
  5. Parents & Guardians are requested to be courteous and never be rude to teachers and staff members. If they have a complaint against any staff member they may contact the Coordinator / Principal who will take appropriate action. Any kind of insult, bad behavior, use of abusive language by parents / guardians will result in the school immediately cancelling the admission of their ward, for which the parents will ONLY be responsible.
  6. For the safety and security of the staff and students CCTV has been installed throughout the campus and all activity is recorded. All conversation at the gates, parent waiting area etc. is audio recorded.
  7. Kindly do not send your ward to school even if he / she is feeling slightly unwell as his / her condition may deteriorate / worsen at school for which the school will not be liable.
  8. Students are strictly not allowed to bring mobile phones, ipods or tablet computers to school. Parents must ensure this. If any such device is found it will be confiscated and permanently disabled/ destroyed.
  9. No one is allowed to enter the school campus with tobacco, pan or gutka in their mouth. To avoid embarrassment kindly comply with this rule. Smoking or chewing tobacco on campus is strictly banned.
  10. No one is allowed to carry arms or ammunition inside the school gate except the school guard as per government orders.
  11. Please carefully read the rules & regulations given in the school diary and get them translated in Hindi if you prefer. Those parents who do not want to follow these rules made for the benefit of their children, should admit their wards in another school, where such rules are not in place.



Students/Parents/Guardians are advised, in their own interest, to go through the School Diary, Fee Book & Prospectus. The School expects that the students and their parents are well aware of the rules and instructions printed & updated in the School Diary, Fee Book & Prospectus. These are not exhaustive in any way and are only intended to be general guidelines.


Students are required to put in a minimum attendance of 75% of the total number of working days during the academic session, failing which they would become ineligible for promotion to the next class. Students of classes 9 to 12 will become ineligible to write the Annual/Final examinations if their cumulative attendance during the academic year is below 75%. Parents of students studying in Class 9 to 12 are requested to go through the 'Rules and Regulations' issued by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi.

Medical Leave can only be availed once a year (in the session); for the Term Exams. No ranks will be allotted in such cases.

If a Student is absent from school for a period exceeding 15 days without a written application his/her admission will be cancelled and seat re­allotted to another student.


  1. Students will be assessed on their year round performance; and promotion to the next class will be on this basis. There will be at least 2 Tests (for every subject) in a Year, besides the Terminal Exams. (For Classes 1 to 12). Test Papers (except final exam) will be shown to the parents during the Parent Teacher Meeting, after being checked / corrected by the teachers. Kindly note that the marks secured in these Class tests/Unit Tests will be added to the Grand Total.
  2. Science / Social Studies Projects and Art / Craft work along with the Holiday Homework should be duly completed during the holidays and submitted to the Teachers concerned, as soon as the School reopens.
  3. Promotions are granted on the basis of the whole year's work of the pupil. The Final Examination is not a Promotion Examination. Hence the importance of regularity in attendance and work is imperative.
  4. Prompt checking of the Remarks and Pupil's Reports is the responsibility of the parents/guardians.
  5. All promotions are decided only after careful consideration of all aspects of the pupil's progress. Hence the decision of the Principal in this regard is final and binding .•
  6. An application for the verification of marks in special cases may be considered, at the discretion of the Principal. For verification of marks the school may charge a nominal fee.
  7. Minimum marks required to pass in each subject is 40%. There is no provision of grace marks.
  8. Students will not be allowed to sit for the examination until all fees and dues are cleared.
  9. There are no re-tests for any examinations held during the year.


The parents can meet the Principal on working days between 9:00 to 10:00 hrs with prior appointment, through the school office.

Teachers will be available to discuss with parents the progress of their wards during Parent -Teacher Meetings. However, parents may be allowed, in exceptional cases, to discuss the progress of their wards with the teachers concerned after school hours, as all teachers are required to stay back 15 minutes after the school gives over.

Parents are requested not to cause disturbance by asking to meet the teacher when the classes are running. This causes disturbance to the whole class and will not be permitted.


Parents are requested to ensure that their children are properly equipped with books, uniform and other material required by them before the school re-opens. 

Kindly submit the stationery, colours, files etc. (upto Class V) to the class teacher. Copies with colorful pictures on their cover are not allowed.

All books and copies have to be neatly covered with transparent sheets and labeled. All other items like bags, water bottles, pencil boxes, belts, ties, sweaters / Blazers have to be labeled with the child's name, class and section with permanent ink.


The students must wear the correct shade of Shirts and Trousers with the appropriate school monogram. The school will not permit wrong shade/fitting of shirts/trousers/uniform or uniform which has an incorrect monogram.

Students must be in proper school uniform at all times. Students who are not in correct uniform will not be allowed to attend school and will be sent back home. It is important that parents ensure that their child is well groomed.

Kindly see to it that your child comes to school neatly and smartly dressed in the prescribed school uniform. No jewellery (bangles, chains, long earrings, finger rings etc.) are to be worn to School or they are liable to be confiscated. Girls are to only use black clips, black rubber bands and black hair bands with the school uniform and white clips, white rubber bands and white hair bands with the P.T. uniform. No child is to apply nail polish or mehndi to school.

For more details regarding school uniform click here

Note: Please ensure that the student's name is labeled on the inside of all personal belongings with permanent ink. Boys shoes must be with laces. For any clarifications regarding school uniform, please contact the school office.


Parents are requested to inform the school office of any change of address or change of telephone number so that school records can be updated and they may be contacted easily in case of an emergency. The school sends important updates, via SMS hence parents are requested to send a written note to the school office in case of a change in their registered mobile number. In case parents do not receive regular SMS updates from the school they are to inform the school office in writing. Parents are advised to preferably use a mobile phone which supports long SMS (in excess of 160 characters).


In order to introduce a competitive spirit in co-curricular activities and sports, the school has been divided into four Houses : i.e. Rosa, Bluebell, Greenovia & Yasmin (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow) Each House is supervised by a House-Mistress/House Master who is assisted by a team of teachers and students in managing the day-to¬day commitments.


For details/rules regarding school fees please refer to the latest Fee--book. Payment of fees must be regular for the smooth running of the School. Kindly keep track of your Ward's fee (due date) to avoid late fee / payment as the School does not take any responsibility to send reminders regarding late fees etc. Fee will be due on the 1st Day of each quarter, i.e 1st April, 1st July, 1st Oct and 1st Jan. After the end of the 1st month of the quarter, fee will be deposited at the school fee counter with a Defaulter fine of RS.500 per Quarter. Rs. 500 Defaulter fine will be charged after the end of the 1 st month of each quarter (i.e from 1 May/ 1Aug /1 Nov /1 Feb). Those parents who fail to deposit the fee after the end of the 1 st month of each quarter are liable to lose their wards seat in the school.

The Teacher's copy of the Fee receipt book has to be submitted to the respective Class Teacher after every Quarter.

Fee can also be paid online on the school website as per the fee schedule.


Games and sports form an integral part of education and a great deal of emphasis is laid on this aspect in this institution. The School provides facilities for various disciplines of games and sports. Opportunities are given to the students of all age groups to develop their all around proficiency in games and sports besides dedication to achieve the desired objectives. It is compulsory for students to participate in Games and Sports, and parents will cooperate with the school if their ward is selected for sporting activities inside or outside the school campus.


There are plenty of opportunities provided to the students to fulfill goals of service, dutiful behavior and nation building programmes. Character building is the most important part of education. The School offers a wide spectrum of co-curricular activities. The aim of organizing co-¬curricular activities is to enhance the opportunity of direct, diversified experience of the pupils. These experiences are a must for the development of a socially useful and balanced personality. These activities are compulsory for every student.


In order to maintain close and proper liaison with the Parents, Parent teacher meetings are held in the school frequently, as mentioned in the school calendar. Efforts are made to actively involve the parents in the learning process of their wards. A diary note or SMS will be sent to you regarding the date of the Parent Teacher Meeting. It is compulsory for students to wear their School Uniform for the Parent Teacher Meeting and Report Card Distribution. In case of absence of the parents the guardians may collect the Report Card only by showing a letter of authorization issued by the parents. The school wants that each parent gets sufficient time to meet the class teacher during P.T meetings hence parents will be given time slots for meeting the class teacher, and are required to come only at the given time slot to save their own time.


The school is committed towards academic excellence, character building and discipline. Developing a sense of punctuality is an integral part of the school's character building process and discipline.

Students are required to reach the school at least 5 minutes before the school starts. Students will not be allowed entry after the school starts as it disturbs the entire class and the teachers. Parents must ensure that their ward reaches school on time. The school gates will be closed as soon as the school starts. Students will not be given entry after that and ALL LATE COMERS WILL BE SENT BACK.

Once the school gates close, parents should not cause an embarrassing situation by insulting the security guards at the gate - as the guards are only doing their duty by following the school's instructions.

Parents of Pre-Primary students are to hand over their child at the gate to the Aaya's or security staff and they will reach the child to his/her class.

Parents must inform their child's Rickshaw / Tempo / Van / Bus driver to ensure that they bring the children to school on time.





7:55 am - 10:30 am

8:55 am - 11 :30 am


7:55 am - 11 :00 am

8:55 am - 12:00 pm

KG & Prep

7:55 am - 11 :00 am

8:55 am - 12:00 pm

Class 1- 12

6:55 am - 12:30 pm

7:55 am - 1 :30 pm


Class 1-8

6:55 am - 11 am

 7:55 am – 12:00 pm

Class 9-12

6:55 am - 12:30pm

 7:55 am - 1 :30 pm

Any change in timings will be notified via SMS update

Once the pupil comes to school he/she will not be allowed to leave the campus before the School gives over. Hence requests for half day leave will not be entertained (except if the pupil is unwell). School remains closed on Saturdays for Class Pre-Nursery to Prep.


  1. Those parents who wish to withdraw their ward at the end of the academic year must give one month's notice (by submitting the withdrawal form) before 1st March otherwise fee for the next quarter (new academic year) will be charged. In such cases parents who do not inform in advance cause a huge loss to the school as the seat is automatically reseNed for the student in the next class (which goes waste), hence parents are required to pay the fee for the 1st quarter of the next academic year if they withdraw their ward without complying with this rule.
  2. School Leaving Certificate (TC) will not be issued until all payments due to the school have been paid in full.


Admission to the college section (Class 11) is not guaranteed to all students appearing for ICSE. Only meritorious students, who have a good record of discipline and are well behaved, who adhere to school rules, and are not chronic fee defaulters, will be considered for admission to the college section. 


  1. Students should take special care of school property i.e. furniture, computers etc. Strict action will be taken against students who damage the school property. It is the responsibility of the students to keep the school premises clean and not litter the premises.
  2. Parents & Guardians are requested to be courteous and never threaten/speak rudely to the school authorities, teachers and staff members. If they have a complaint against any staff member they may contact the Principal who will take appropriate action. Any kind of insult, bad behavior, use of abusive language by parents/guardians will result in immediate cancellation of the admission of their ward, for which only the parents will be responsible. The school follows a zero tolerance policv reaardina this.
  1. No one is allowed to chew paan or gutka in the school campus and the campus is a tobacco free zone. Parents/Guardians are requested not to enter the campus if they are chewing paan/gutka.
  2. Pupils are answerable to the school authorities for their conduct both in the school and outside.
  3. Pupils shall always greet teachers, staff members, elders, and friends in a pleasant manner and will be polite.
  4. Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. It is compulsory to label all articles with their names and class. It is not advisable for pupils to have money or valuable articles with them. The school is not responsible for any loss of stationery, valuable articles etc. in the school.
  5. If a student tries to be a nuisance to his/her own school fellows whether inside or outside the school premises, or in his/Jher locality, the student is likely to be taken to task by the Principal.
  6. Every movement of the student on the school campus must be orderly, quiet and purposeful.
  7. The students must be neatly dressed in proper school uniform. The uniform and shoes must be clean.
  8. All students must trim their nails. The nails will be inspected by the class teachers or monitors/prefects. Boys are required to have a neat short crew cut hairstyles.
  9. The students are required to enter the class room and to leave the class room after seeking permission from the class teachers.
  10. Mobile Phones, Cameras and other Electronic devices are strictly forbidden in the School campus. Confiscated articles will not be returned and will be disabled or destroyed.
  11. Pupils suffering from contagious or infectious diseases will not be permitted in the school till a medical clearance is received from a licensed doctor.
  12. For security reasons, Parents are not allowed to send Tiffin boxes through the guards or peons. Students must bring it with them when they come to school.


  1. The Principal may expel a student from the school should the student's conduct/behaviour or influence on others, in the opinion of the Principal, be detrimental to general discipline/interest of the school.

Other Conditions for expulsion:

  1. A student who fails in the class for two consecutive years or fails twice in three years will be expelled by the order of the Principal.
  2. Any student caught cheating or using unfair means during the examination/test may not only be given zero in the subject concerned but an incident of this nature may also lead to his/her expulsion by the Principal.
  3. In case a student stops attending school without any information to the school authorities, his/her name will be struck off the school rolls, 20 days after he/she stops attending the school.
  4. Parents' Responsibility: Parents are required to co-operate with the School in developing their children into balanced, progressive, morally strong and effective youths, by helping their children maintain/observe a good conduct in and outside the school. (please read point no 2 under general behavior).
  5. In case of gross misbehaviour a warning or suspension will be issued. Recurrence of such acts will lead to expulsion of the defaulting students from the school.
  6. Students who habitually keep indulging in misbehavior despite repeated warnings and continuous efforts by school teachers/counselors to improve upon their behavior, will not be enrolled in the school in the following academic session. The warning in this regard will be given to parents well in advance to seek admission in another school.
  7. Striking the name off the rolls: The name of the student may be struck off the rolls by the Principal of the school on account of non­payment of fees and other dues after the last day fixed for payment.

The rules are subject to change by sending a diary notice or SMS.


The Management, Teachers, Parents, Students and Support Staff together form the School community. Let us all unite to make education a joyful and challenging experience for our children. Looking forward to your valuable support and cooperation.
Dr. S.D. Liddle

Last Updated On Wednesday, 20 Nov 2024 13:06